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/b/ - Random

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File: 1725802721903.png (111.1 KB, 293x204, technowizard.png)


Librechan is a pretty based concept. Would it be plausible to make a mesh network 4ch alternative?


That would be hard but is theoretically possible


You deserve hugs and kisses (full homo)


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> mfw I place a ton of advertisements around my campus and still nobody uses my website
> feelsbadman.jpg


It's so over


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They're not cool enough


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look at my dorg


Nice dorg anon

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Who am I


Me everyday


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I want to remember the last time i looked in the mirror and didn't question who the figure was, seemingly doing what i tell it to do, seemingly me, yet foreign. So foreign in fact that i have to convince myself that it is indeed me in the mirror and not some random person that has taken over the responsibility of housing my soul. I do not hate him, though it does make me truly uncomfortable that everybody that i interact with also has to interact with him, that everything i say has to be uttered by his lips.


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I just finished up on my new website. It's like 4chan but mine.
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


weird aaah cat




Bruh moment O_O


devious lick


I hate nice guys

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Last semester starting soon

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Hello anon

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This shit's so funny to me

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i'd have to go with the hungry pack of wolves

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