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File: 1721154097583.png (460.84 KB, 894x894, MmmmNeh.png)


as one would think, bored much really.


Your name is roleless are you on the discord??


File: 1721165086687.png (590.4 KB, 960x1080, d71a4c0bb1b4e778277e7a7912….png)



No it isn't.


What's the discord?


File: 1724547402831.gif (87.28 KB, 300x250, aaaargh.gif)

found it

File: 1721100503918.png (579.76 KB, 840x859, watamote.png)


What are we thinking fellas?


File: 1721165718183.jpg (120.59 KB, 1280x1104, 5MF7Wdddd4aKbao.jpg)

I wouldn't put this up my wall if it wasn't Lucky Star ┐(´~`ˇ)┌


I still haven't watched lucky star lmao


File: 1721170113844.png (363.83 KB, 910x1251, LCuddddDCpZ.png)

Lain Iwakura would probably be a fan


File: 1721177346248.png (157.45 KB, 491x469, luckystarlain.png)

For realz

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